Wildlife: Rare


Wolverine are primarily scavengers that clean up after more efficient hunter-carnivores such as wolves, cougars, and bears. Technically, they are considered opportunistic omnivores who are somewhat dependent on carrion. So, they may eat both animal and plant materials, but... 

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Western Painted Turtle

The Western Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta) is also known simply as the painted turtle. Upon closer examination, it is easy to see why it is named so appropriately. The upper shell is olive to black, and the edges of shields or plates making up the shell are bordered with a yellowish color. The head, neck, and legs are marked with yellow lines, and a red...

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Flammulated Owl

The habitat for the Flammulated Owl (Otus flammeolus) is not yet known in Montana, but is believed to be mature to old growth ponderosa pine forest with Douglas fir understory, some shrubs including nine-bark and ocean spray, and grass and sedge openings. The researcher is in the right spot. Finding this semi-rare insect eating owl is no easy task. But being in the right spot at the right time is key. The timing is good. Nesting begins in early June. These owls are...

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Golden Trout

The Golden trout (Salmo aguabonita) are usually only found in certain high mountain dream lakes that lay in bejeweled half moon basins and reflect the loftier mountain heights. The sky whispers their names to you as you ascend the trail into the sub-alpine zone of cathedral like fir trees, mountain larch, and mountain hemlock.

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Woodland Caribou

Historically present in Northwest Montana, their status is not really known at present, and is still under study. West of Libby, Montana, and only a few more miles west of an area called the Scotchman Peaks, is the Idaho border. Here, a recent study as of mid 2016 in the southern Selkirk Mountains estimates that population at as few as 12 animals. 

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